The Rivet equvalent for this component is available here for comparison.
Default box
This is basic box
Box body
This is a basic box
Box header and footer
Header text
This is a box with a header, a footer, and some content with a link.
Light box variant
Header text
This is a box with a header, a footer, and some content with a link.
Box rows
Box rows with a list
- A link in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
Box rows with generic elements
- Plain box row one
- Plain box row two
- Plain box row three
Compact box variant
A box with rows
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
Colored box variant
A box with rows
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
A box with rows
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
A box with rows
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
A box with rows
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
- Some text in a row
Colored box row variants
A box with rows
- Default row
- Info row variant
- Success row variant
- Warning row variant
- Danger row variant
Card variant
This is the card variant of a box with a body element
Card image